Snooze-a-palooza. It's the only word to describe the limo biz on the Suncoast in August. If chauffeurs hibernated, now would be the time. In fact, if you peek under any parked town car, you might find one there, soulfully dozing away the summer. Or look around at the beach. The guy in boardies and black suit vest reading 'Driving Miss Daisy' is a likely candidate.
I imagine everyone in service industries would prefer to hibernate around about now. There are no snowbirds with feathers to preen and spring breakers are yet to turn their mind to Pabst Blue Ribbon. Speaking of cerveza, last spring break I heard that fine product of Wisconsin described as "PBRona".
I am unsure what that says about Mexican beer.
Summer then is nature's way of rejuvenating folks who smile and are polite for a living. Few can keep up a seamless facade of calm obsequiousness forever, and if they can, don't lend them money. They're crazy.
But enough already. A few weeks of sleeping long and flouching days is enough. Get me back to work before I start opening car doors for people who aren't paying. The patrons at Wal-Mart might look at me sideways.