Friday, April 24, 2009

Bachelor Parties

Bachelor parties are a mixed blessing for we limo drivers. On one hand, it's a bunch of drunken men out for a good time.

On the other, it's a bunch of drunken men out for a good time.

The arc of these nights always follows a basic plan.

At the start:

- bravado
- bright eyes and clear speech
- "Hey, Driver!"

Somewhere between the second bar and the strip club:

- doubt
- half-smoked cigarettes, half-drunk beers and half-arsed conversations
- "Wombat, dude, take us to where the laaaayyydeees are, mate!"

And around last call:

- childhood reversion
- stumbling, tears, tempers
- "You're the best Wombat, thanks for looking after us."

Whatever the aim of these evenings, only bar owners, strippers and limousine owners come out smiling. Participants get regret.


Don said...

I note 'limo drivers' are not listed as smiling at the end of the evening. I'm sure that's because you get to clean the limo after the party. Hope it isn't TOO awful.

Wombat said...

Ah, you have found the key to a good night versus a bad night, Don. A good night is where the limo is only lightly or moderately trashed. A bad night is when it takes upwards of an hour to set unpleasant concept at 3:00 am.

(I should note that tip size can vary one's attitude towards these things. Money, interestingly, makes cleaning a happy thing, and lack of money makes it not so. Weird, eh?)