It must seem like I'm constantly criticizing The Boss. I guess I am, but only because I see him through a particular prism, the way he conducts business. If you met the man, you would be charmed, at least initially, and find yourself entertained with his stories. He is a salesman.
But the fun of a salesman's company soon wears off. He is only about as deep as cheap kitchen laminate, and the stories all have a sameness - he's a hero, and the rest of us are zeroes.
To list and explain the daily cornucopia of unique behaviours this man exhibits would require an entire book, so I'll start with the simplest and most enduring - his complete unawareness of what's going on.
It will typically happen like this: I, or one of the other drivers, will be on a job. We'll either be on the way to collect a customer, on the way back to the depot after completing a job, or the customer with be in the Town Car or limo. The phone will ring.
W: Hello, Wombat speaking.
B: Wombat, it's The Boss.
W: Yes, Boss.
B: I have a job for you.
W: Good-oh, can I call you back for the details?
B: Oh, why?
W: Well, I have Mr and Mrs Bond in the car.
B: Really?
W: Yes, Boss.
B: Oh, I didn't know.
W: Remember, you gave me this job yesterday?
B: Oh. Well, anyway, call me when you can.
Seriously. This happens ALL the time. The man isn't aware of where his cars are, where his drivers are or where his customers are.
I kid you not.