At 1:00 am I am shredded. My customers have partied for hours, and it looks like they're going to stay until closing. That's good because it means an extra two or three hours pay by the time everyone's dropped home. That's bad because I have at least another hour to wait here, bored and grumpy.
Waiting is the name of the limo game. We wait at airports, we wait at ship ports. We wait for the phone to ring, we wait for parties to end. We even wait for The Boss, when he calls doling out the jobs for the following day.
If you have itchy feet, this isn't the gig for you. We're unable to leave the limousine, so it's not like we can park and head off for a walk. Instead, I equip myself for big nights out with books, newspapers, magazines, a fully charged phone, CDs and a pillow. Colleagues often sit in the back and watch DVDs.
I'll do anything to stave off the boredom. Parking close to the bar or restaurant my folks are in can often be fun. Just hanging around looking mean (the don't toucha my car or I'll breaka your face, face) passes the time for a while. Sometimes cuties will want to talk - always good - or offer you ten bucks for a lift home.
Sorry, Miss. I'm not for hire.
But even that's a snore after a while. Sober observation of drunkenness, even if it's in stilettos, isn't distracting forever. Then it's back to boredom, brain in neutral, thumb up arse.
how much have you read since you started this gig? more or less than if you were doing something else? like you, if i have to wait for any length of time, i have to bring a variety of materials to read. i love this:
Sober observation of drunkenness, even if it's in stilettos, isn't distracting forever.
if only a few young things (or those past their prime) understood this, sugar, they might reconsider that last appletini...
Why can't you park and walk away? Don't customers summon you by cell phone when they're done?
Oh, I have read piles and piles of books, Sugar. The reason I took up buying remaindered books was because two or three volumes a week at full price was getting very expensive. Read or eat expensive.
Ah, just one more appletini. It's true. Just one less appletini, and the world would be disproportionately better.
Correct, Perakath, that's how it works. But The Boss makes the rules, so unless we're on bathroom break, we stay with the limo.
What The Boss wants, The Boss gets.
bargain books...oh hell yeah, sugar! those tables drive me crazy, i'll pour over those checking every title! xoxo
You and me both!
How I lerv finding a book over which I lusted - and passed over for being to expensive - on the remaindered table.
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