Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It feels like a good idea at the time. Call around to a group of friends, propose a night out in a limousine, rev up some interest, and then set a date. Do some homework by asking around a few companies for quotes, figure out how much it will cost, let everyone know. Enthusiasm rules, and so you go ahead and book the limo, and look forward to the night.

Fast forward to three weeks later, the evening of the planned party on wheels. One couple can't find a sitter. Marcy just got foreclosed on. Steve is having a huge blow-up with his girlfriend, and doesn't know if he can make it.

Around this time, I roll up in the stretch. It's probably nine or ten on a Saturday night, and everyone's already well lubricated. So what if we're down three or four, we'll just make up the difference with a few extra bucks. Right! Everyone who's coming here? Let's go!

The arc of the night follows a pretty well-worn path. It's quiet in the passenger compartment for the first ten or fifteen while folks acclimate. Then the drinks take effect, everyone relaxes, and the noise level rises. Oftentimes this is the point at which most people are enjoying themselves the most. They've got the right amount of alcoholic buzz and they see that it's cool to be in a limo. Then things start to unravel.

Pic from here. [link]

Also published here. [link]


savannah said...

i know this is gonna head down the road to perdition quickly, but also hilariously, for the reader anyway! i can't wait for the next part, sugar! ;~D xoxox

Wombat said...


...road to perdition....a unique and appropriate turn of phrase, Sugar.

*laughing to myself*

Anonymous said...

OMG, how long do we have to wait to read the next chapter?

Wombat said...

Hmmmm, the way this weekend's shaping up, I'd say....Sunday afternoon, Anon.

Can you wait that long without exploding?

Don said...

Your group seems to be young adults; mostly under 30? Last time I was in a limo was for my 55th birthday. You can imagine it was more sedate. It was dinner at Berns in Tampa and taking the long way home.

Wombat said...

You got it, Don. Thirties with a smattering of forties.

Berns! I spend quite a deal of time hanging around there. Busy every night of the week that place, come rain, hail, sunshine, tsunami or bad traffic on the Selmon.

Did you have a good time there for your birthday? Everyone I ever talk to raves.

Hope to actually eat there myself one day. I like that Hyde Park SoHo part of Tampa.