There is something delicious about Saturdays. They're full of promise, an uncharted space of possibility.
Even working on a Saturday feels different. It's lighter, more optimistic, even if your working day starts at 3:00 am like mine did last weekend.
The job was to collect two newlyweds from their honeymoon cruise after the ship docked at Port Everglades. Port Everglades is the name some marketing genius dreamed up for Fort Lauderdale's cruise terminal. I had to be there by 8:00 am, necessitating the early start to allow for the trip, refuelling, coffee stops, and any one of the million things that can go wrong in a 230 mile trip in the early hours.
Actually, I rather like the very early starts. It's like you're on the cusp of something big and important, something that can't wait for regular hours. A spy mission, or a Shuttle launch perhaps.
Okay, so collecting an entertaining young couple from a cruise isn't quite in that league, but it's a kind of fun, nonetheless.
A Saturday adventure kind of fun, and not a bad lark at all.