Sunday, April 27, 2008

Starbucks dilemma

Wombat, I feel like some Starbucks before we get going.

Yes sir. The usual?

Sure. And a blueberry muffin. And an O.J. And get something for yourself.

Got it. Thanks. I'll have a coffee too.

So began last Friday, at the start of a three-hour trip from my side of Florida to Palm Beach with The Boss's best customer.

He's a brusque man. When working, he's a model of concentration, and there's no time he's not working. Day or night, if not on the phone, he's tapping away at the computer in the back of the town car.

Friday was a little different. I'm normally taking him to, or collecting him from, an airport, exhausted, or hyped, or both. But it was daylight, for a start, and he didn't have a killer deadline to meet, so he was more relaxed - noticeably calmer, in fact, which augured well.

Usually I opt out of customers' offers of joining them in food or drink. For me, it alters the relationship, moving away from the clear-cut driver/driven game to....well, that's the thing. I'm not sure where it takes it. We're not friends, because they know nothing about me. We're not colleagues, because we don't work together. There's no way to know where I stand, which underlines the fact that role-play defines all of our interactions.

If only slightly, the nature of our relationship changed that day, not just because we shared a coffee. We joked about this and that. He laughed about his small bladder. We remarked on what good time we made by taking the back way. It was like the rhythm of the road and the open space allowed us both to take a break from our roles.

And how pleasant it was.

I love road trips.


nitebyrd said...

Every once in a while, it's good to take a detour.

Girl said...

Trying something new sometimes leads to a good discovery.

Other times you have to spit discreetly into your napkin.

L.P. said...

that was an absolutely delightful story and started my day with a big smile.
thanks for that.

savannah said...

there is something nice about an unexpected change in routine, sugar...good for you for not opting out of the offer. things have a way of shifting back into place/routine.

Melissa said...

You drove right past me, I'm in West Palm Beach for the next three months.

Wombat said...

NiteByrd, that should be our team motto. Detours Encouraged.

Girl, you are SO right. And we learn more from the contents of the napkin than anything else in life. Especially how to dispose of digusting napkin grossness.

Lakota, you are always welcome a big helping of Wombat Pie. (Figurative, not literal pie, because that would be something awful.)

Regression to the mean I believe that's called Savannah. And yes, something out of the usual can often be the best way.

Within a cat's whisker of the Mantwissa, and she didn't even notice.