Thursday, April 24, 2008

St Pete Sunset

At The Bossman's shop we have nine limousines including the party bus, and six drivers. Two of the chauffeurs are part-time, the others have other jobs or businesses.

It's a smart way to run given that weekends see the most limousine jobs, when everyone can work, and weekdays are generally airport transfers and other town-car work. We're all flexible enough that Harry can almost always crew the jobs. Almost always.

Sundays everyone is exhausted after late Friday and Saturday nights, or early starts during the week. So when The Boss called me Sunday afternoon, it wasn't with good news. He was looking for volunteers for a pick-up, transport to a concert in St Petersburg, wait, and return. A good trip, normally, with nice customers.

Good, that is, if I wasn't operating on ten hours sleep in the previous forty-eight.

It's a Catch-22. If we don't do the last-minute jobs when he asks, The Boss will hire more drivers, which means everyone earns less money. If we do the jobs, he will continue to expect us to do them, exhausted or not.

I did the job. It went without a hitch. And this sunset was my reward. Thank you St Pete.

I slept all day Tuesday.


Girl said...

It's those small things that can make the day.

Vi said...

Isn't that actually illegal? I know it is over here. It's actually extrememly hard to get a cab on a Sunday, because the drivers have used up all there hours on Friday and Saturday night.

nitebyrd said...

West Coast sunsets are the BEST!

Hmmmm ... next time I'm going to a St.Pete/Tampa venue, maybe I'll call for a limo. ;)

savannah said...

sweet jaysus, sugar! you've been everywhere recently! xoxo hope you're getting some zzzz's now in anticipation of the weekend!

Wombat said...

Funny how the small things can be the big things, Girl. If you figure that out, please let me know.

Probably, VI. But the nature of being a sub-contractor to someone like Harry is such that if you want to do the work, no-one will stop you. Ah, America: Freedom to succeed, freedom to fuck up.

NiteByrd, it will be my pleasure to show you all the best sunsets, from all the best places.

Savannah, for whatever reason, I have been doing a LOT of x-country recently. Tiring as it is, I still prefer seeing the world to hanging around waiting for people.

ZZzzzzzs are not easy to stack together thesedays, as you correctly intuit.