Friday, May 15, 2009

Shy Retiring Flower

We're approaching the end of prom season, thank goodness. Last Friday night I was kept busy with the worst behaved bunch yet, which I put down to them having the least responsible parents yet. 

When I arrive to collect the spawn of these parents' loins, I make a point of asking them if they're aware of our liquor policy. The law is that nobody under twenty-one can imbibe, and if a responsible adult is handy, the blame will likely fall on them. In the case of promsters in a limousine, the responsible adult is me. 

Consequently, if one of our drivers finds the kids drinking or in any way intoxicated, we reserve the right to end the run there and then, with the parents still paying for the minimum six hours. 

Determining how seriously the adults take this is easy. If they say: 

Oh, look, if you see them drinking or doing anything out of line, you call us, and we'll be right there to kill them. We'll be backing you up 100%. know eveything will be cool. These parents I like. 

But if they say: 

Well, they're good kids. I don't think they will do anything like that. 

...I know there will be problems. And so it turned out. 


The quote of the night came from the girl most keen on being a hellion. This she screamed - and I mean really screeched - into her cellphone:

He's my date, he'll do what I want him to do!!!

Such a shy retiring flower that young lady.

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Perakath said...

No offense, but at what age did you begin drinking?

Wombat said...

Ask away, Perakath, no secrets around here.

I was sixteen when I started drinking. The minimum legal age in Australia is eighteen, (as I'm sure you know) which changes the dynamics from those here in the US.

It's a vexed issue, alcohol use, and I don't know if there is an answer to addiction or abuse to or of it.

savannah said...

thank goodness it's almost over, sugar! sometimes, i am certain our future as a country is bleak!

Don said...

As far as I'm concerned (not that anyone asked - LOL!) I don't like to see kids underage drinking out in public. If their parents let them drink at home, that's up to them. At least they had you to drive them!

Makes you feel sorry for that girl's date though.

Wombat said...

Sometimes I think the same, Sugar, but then I look at the good kids, and the good parents, and see that they are in the majority. And the good kids are an absolute delight.

The poor guy who was Larissa's date spent most of his time running away from her, Don! That's why she had to scream &$%#@(? murder into the phone to get him back.

He will forever remember prom, and maybe not in a good way.

Larissa's life is one I would like to follow, just to see what kind of trouble she finds herself in. There will be plenty.