Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tight schedules

Why do people do these things?

Why do they book a flight and then book a Town Car to the airport to catch the flight and then allow only minimum time to get to the airport and then get up late and not actually get into the Town Car until twenty minutes after the pick-up time and then say on the phone to someone else that they want to see how good the driver is at getting them to the airport on time although they are the one who was late and now I have to speed all the way.

Why do people do these things?

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savannah said...

one of my favorite lines in bladerunner explains it, sugar:

Pris: Then we're stupid and we'll's true, darlin...they are.xoxoxo (hope y'all's weekend is better!)

Wombat said...

OOh, excellent choice of movie, Savannah. I must go re-view it now you have prompted me. Love the quote. Smile.

You know, days like that aren't as bad as I make out. It's slightly stressful for a while as I get hypervigilant for smokies hiding behind trees beside the interstate. (As we cruise along at 84 mph.) But once the customer is dropped, there's the sedate trot home in the right lane at 70 with a CD playing and not a care in the world.

It's a yin/yang kinda thing.