Thursday, December 17, 2009


The Season is in full flight now. The Tropical Midwest doubles in population, what with Snowbirds, tourists and those visiting friends and relatives.

Season is variably described as the period between Thanksgiving and Mother's Day, or from Halloween to Easter. You get the picture.

The way I describe it is more practical. More experiential, if you like. When it takes me more than twenty-five minutes to drive five miles, it's Season.

It's Season.


savannah said...

around here i just stay away from downtown! *sigh* at least, y'all get tips! xoxox

Wombat said...

Wise move, Sugar. I wish I could do the same. Clever back roads only go so far.

Tips. Yes. Mostly.

Don said...

Nice photo. Very subtle.

Wombat said...

Thanks Don. I have stories of driving a new Benz for a weekend. Nice. The pic is of that vehicle. But I need to be careful lest it identifies me.

nitebyrd said...

Season is always just so damn wonderful, isn't it?

Wombat said...


Wonderful if you can hibernate, Nitebyrd!

Still, it makes us appreciate the summer, right?

*ironic laughter*