Sunday, June 28, 2009


Let's face it, Florida was built on wrinkles and white hair. It's a blessing then that oldsters are among the least stressful, easy-going customers we have in the limo game, because they form a goodly portion of our business. Transferring them to and from airports and ship ports is mostly how we serve them, although occasionally there's a celebratory dinner run.

I call those special gigs "Five to Nines". Dinner at five, in bed by nine.

Many old couples - seasoned citizens, in AARP PC-speak - appear to have common characteristics. The gentleman often has a hearing aid. He might even have two, and for neither one has he read the instruction manual. His lady wife therefore has to translate for him, in the following way:

Mr Seasoned Citzen: So how's the limo business going?

Me: Well, it's slow. We're down about 50% from last year.

Mr SC: What's that?

Mrs Seasoned Citizen: He said it's slow, Harry, down by half.

Mr SC: Oh, that's too bad.

The old farts are chatty, and want to talk, but it's SO laborious. Even if I SHOUT, the poor wife has to repeat every thing I say.

Sometimes the whole ride is like that children's game of Telephone, or Chinese Whispers:

Mr SC: Do you ever drive famous people?

Me: Occasionally sir, but if I tell you, I'd have to kill you.

Mr SC: What'd he say, Agatha?

Mrs SC: He said sometimes he carries famous people, but he can't say who.

Mr SC: Have you ever driven that Jerry Springer? He lives around here you know.

Me: Perhaps. (Smile in mirror.) Most of the famous people we drive are thespians.

Mr SC: What's that?

Mrs SC: He said he might have driven Jerry, but that most of the famous people he drives are thespians.

Mr SC: Well that figures. I heard he might be gay, but I didn't know he was a lesbian.

No wonder the wives knead their temples and stare off vacantly into the middle distance.

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savannah said...

so many marital problems would be solved by just reading the manual, sugarpie! xoxoxo

Wombat said...

Now that's a metaphor worth exploring, Sugar.

Question is, can I buy the Marital Manual from Amazon?

Perhaps you should write one.

savannah said...

*ack* that is so not what i mean, sugar! i meant the tech manuals for all the guy stuff. re the marital manual...i wish i could! ;~D xoxox

Wombat said...

See, Sugar, this is such a marital misunderstanding, I feel like we could be married.

*big wink*

savannah said...

i forget how literal men are, darling! xoxox

Wombat said...

Oh, you're right. There is that.

We men all need to attend Metaphor Camp in the summers.

Hmmm. That sounds rather fun!