Tuesday, February 16, 2010


A kind of omerta binds and separates chauffeurs. On one hand we're all intensely competitive, given the value of each customer. We'd steal each other's business in a moment. On the other hand a grudging understanding creates an unspoken brotherhood.

If you drive you know the deal. You know the late starts, the early finishes, the rotten money, the unpredictable customers, the moronic drivers, the foolish bosses and ridiculous bureaucrats.

With the downside come the benefits. Among them are the pleasure of a nice day and an open road; not being stuck as a cube drone; meeting interesting, famous or plain sweet people; and the satisfaction of making someone's day.

Today was a good day, for which I am grateful.

Pic from here [link]


savannah said...

sometimes, the smallest thing can make a monumental difference in a day, sugar. i am grateful for even the bad days now... xoxoxxo

DCChick said...



I'm envious of your open roads while I ruin my eyesight daily staring at my computer.

So listen... I am getting married next year up in chicago and need a good limo (and driver)

any interest in heading up that way?


Wombat said...

Yep, Sugar. Gratitude for even the bad stuff is a great way to go.



I'd love to drive you and yours around, but it's a little out of my territory.

Just remember, before you book and pay for the limo, go see it first.

Actually, I'll write you a whole post on how to rent a wedding limo :-)