Monday, February 8, 2010


I will not listen to drunk customers.

Drunk customers have no sense of direction.

Logic deserts drunks.

Believing drunks over your own common sense works against you.

Improved memory is not a side-effect of being drunk.

It's been a long weekend.

Pic from here [link]


savannah said...

poor wombat! xoxoxoxxo

Wombat said...

Awwww, thanks, Sugar.

All better now.

Kat Wilder said...

Sounds like you could use a drink ....

Wombat said...

Ha! Yes. Some nice Californian cabernet salved the wounded beast.

Anonymous said...

Did you apply said Californian cabernet sparingly - or did you have to hit the drunk twice with it?

Hope the sediment settled nicely... ;-)

Wombat said...

Sparingly, topically and internally, Belongum. I wanted to cover all the bases.

Fortunately I was 20 hours and many miles removed from the drunks (plural) as I imbibed, which improved the sensation greatly.

So, yes, the sediment settle nicely and so did I ;-)