Thursday, August 12, 2010

Three Chauffeur Sins

There are three mistakes never to make as a chauffeur:

1. Refrain from punting the limousine into the scenery.

2. Never, ever lose your cool with customers.

3. Never, ever run out of gasoline.

Guess which one of these rules I broke last spring?

Pic from here [link]


Liz said...

All three?

(Sorry, I am a quiz-taking rule-breaker.)

savannah said...


so, how y'all doin, sugar? :~)

Wombat said...

Lizzy. You're just a troublemaker. But no, only the one.

Sugar! I'm doing much better, thanks!

How are you?

And yes, #3 it is. Details to follow...sigh.

Anonymous said...

My guess is that you ran out of gas.

If I am correct I expect a follow-up post detailing the incident.

Wombat said...

Yep, Snaf. And yep, tomorrow.

Now that my embarrassment has subsided. ;-/

nitebyrd said...

I was kinda hoping #2.

Ken said...

I'm liking the vintage car pics with these latest posts.

Lakota said...

i was gonna say you're too much in control of yourself to lose your temper in front of the customers.
Waving hi at Nitey.
And wow ... is that Savi? Dayum I haven't seen her in years and years. 'course she wouldn't recognize me under this name. :P

Wombat said...

I can make that happen, NiteByrd, if you like ;-) Maybe when my driver career is close to the end :-D

Ah, Ken, you've seen where I'm going with this. Yes, that's the way I want to go. The break from writing here has energized me, and the vintage photos are as much fun for me as (hopefully) you. Cool.

Miss L, I see you're as full of vim and vigour as ever. It's great to see :-)