Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Just a little work, darling

Barometers (or, indeed, thermometers, depending upon your preference) of economic health come in many forms. One of particular note we can call the Doc-o-Meter.

Here on the Sunshine Coast, cosmetic and other elective surgery is big business. Mossbacks from Michigan and Silverhairs from Saskatchewan come here to bring back 1949. Last year one particular eye surgeon (think Lasik, as well as eye-lifts) was almost a daily customer. We were driving him to the airport (so he could attend fine wine or rare car auctions) or chauffeuring his customers, or taking him to dinner while he wooed prospective employees. Busy, busy.

No longer. I don't think he's used the limousine service in three months, either for business or personal reasons. My advice would be that if you're looking for a little work (his practice does pretty much everything) now is the time. Get a quote, and subtract 50%. It's worth a try.


savannah said...

whatever happened to growing old gracefully, sugar? xoxo

Girl said...

I'd rather spend the money on some new shoes. ;)

Anonymous said...


I just negotiated with an attorney to lower his retainer and hourly rate.

I mean, I'm still screwed by the cost no matter how I look at it, but I just remind myself, "You are keeping this man with an awful tie and Three Stooges hair-do from living in the slums of fream housing... and because of you, he won't be cold when he drives his Lexus to work."

I think everyone should get a little work done for the sake of stimulating the economy.

Anonymous said...

Ahem. It would help if I could spell 'frame'.

Anonymous said...

There is a vast difference between 2 photos. You look good in your after snap, and you look young too but what is your true age?

Iron Pugilist said...

We advertising now, are we? Not a big fan of unnatural body development though.

Wombat said...

Good question, Savannah. I need to find the grace tree and make me some tea from the leaves. Until that happens, I'm just gonna grow old. Grace is your dept I think.

You know, Girl that's a very good idea. You should go out right now and buy a nice pair for yourself. And imagine how good you would feel if you dropped five or ten grand on a whole Imelda of shoes. (Is that the correct collective noun for a bunch of shoes?)

Is your attorney Larry, Mo, or Curly, Eileen? Or all three, depending upon the state of his 'do?

A little work for everyone...now that's a novel eco-stim concept. Trouble is, no matter how good the surgeon, one can always tell. Then again, if there was no visible change - if one couldn't tell - there'd be no point. Right?

Dear Diya.

That's not me.



Nah, me either, IP. Although as the years creep by, and I look more and more like my antecedents, the idea of having a teeny couple of modifications done has crossed my mind. Removing the third nipple, re-routing the sword-fighting scar, that kind of thing.

Anonymous said...

Wow impressive, it looks like Dr Prasads work. Actually Dr Prasads Work might be better. Still good job