The distance between the front and back seats of a Lincoln Towncar is about five feet. I haven't measured it, but that seems about right. Yet that distance appears to vary according to whomever sits back there.
I think it's a personal space issue, but there's more to it than that. The nature of the relationship between the driver and the drivee changes the feel of the gap. Oftentimes, a kind of electric charge exists between the two of us, and after some experimentation, I've found that I can control it.
By now you probably think I'm nuts. I'll have you know I've been certified 95% sane by a registered veterinarian. It's just that an unusual energy forms when two unrelated, otherwise distant people are cooped up in tin can for a long time.
Like the International Space Station, but at .0000000002% of the cost.
absolutely! but how are you able to control it? how can you make a passenger engage with you? and why would you? seriously, sugar...and how did you discover this? xoxox
You're not nuts.
Here's one possibility:
Our brains and hearts emit measurable electromagnetic energy to people around us.
Researchers have found that that field extends from the brain for a few inches, and from the heart for as far away as 10 feet.
In fact, one person's heart rhythm patterns can be measured in another person's brain wave patterns.
Over a 5-foot gap in the LTC, I bet you do have some control over the passenger's attitude.
The calmer you and your heart are (slow breathing, meditation, etc.), the calmer that other person is likely to be.
And vice versa.
Heart over mind, hmm?
Had DocAnnie not come along and explained everything, I would have basically shrugged my shoulders, Savannah, and said that I consciously change my thoughts, and that's about it.
But what she said is what happens. Spot on. I shift my thinking, theirs does too. Not always, but a lot of the time at least something changes.
Thanks Doc.
Heart over mind? Heart over brain perhaps, but never the mind.
Oh, and the reason I want to improve customers' moods, is because I feel the tin-can tension as much as anyone, and I'd rather have a harmonious silence than a strung-out silence. It's all about me.
got it, like supper here at the plantation with miss daisy last night...sigh xoxox
and thanks doc annie!
...supper at the plantation...
There is something so civilized about the south...
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